We pride ourselves on delivering events and markets in conjunction with Business Improvement Districts, Shopping Centres, estate managers, town & city centre, and park teams.
We back our events and markets up with clear paper trial captured in Event Management Plans, and covering Risk Assessments, Method Statements, Temporary Event Notices, ADIPS, Food Hygiene Certification, and Public Liabiilty Covers.
We understand from working with you that there is sometimes a need to build measurable outcomes to justify an events impact, and justify future funding. We are good at building metrics for you which you can take back to the board or your line manager.
Should you require external event provision on a budget and with time constraints we can offer event management solutions via sound project management principles. Some of the most successful events we have delivered for clients have been put together at short notice, although we recommend a minimum three months to plan and fully exploit an event, markets and activations can be delivered much more quickly.
We have found a really solid way of planning to ensure effective project management, compliance to regulation and legislation. We also work with some of the most dependable and reliable event infrastructure organisations. This makes us very confident in our ability to deliver events on time, to budget, to theme and meeting any measurement criteria.